Park Ridge Women's Tennis Association
Park Ridge Women's Tennis Association
Dues for Park Ridge residents are $38 and $50 for non-residents.

Hi, Ladies,


I can’t believe how fast this summer is going by.  Hopefully, you have gotten to play many tennis matches despite the excessive heat.  I see that there are only 4 doubles teams that have not made any challenges.  If you are one of those teams, I hope you can do so soon.


As you know, we recently voted on the weather-related issues.  The proposal overwhelmingly PASSED.  As it was our first time voting by email, we did have some glitches.  Some people voted by email and others utilized the google spreadsheet link (all votes were counted though).  After the proposed rule was sent out to the membership, some members wanted to add some language to the rule.  However, the bylaws require all changes be sent to the membership 2 weeks in advance of any vote, so any changes will need to be addressed at a later time.  Special thanks to Ellyn Ryan, Kathy Streit and Ann Iremedio for working on getting this information out to the membership.


September Event:  Remember that on August 1, you can start to sign up for our September Round Robin Tournament.  The event is on Saturday, September 14 at Hinkley Park.  B division is from 8-10am.  A division is from 10:15am to 12:15pm.  The chairs are Sherri Wolff and Heidi Juris.  Thank you, ladies!


August Events:  It’s not too late to sign up.  They are not full yet.  Please check the website and look on the right side to see if you already signed up.  We do not want to have duplicate sign ups.  The Salad Bar Luncheon is on Wednesday, August 7 from 9-11am.  It is a social play followed by lunch in the park where everyone brings a dish to share.  This event has always been one of my favorites.  When I was working, I even took the day off to participate.  The Tennis Under The Stars-Doubles A Tournament is on Monday, August 19.  The Tennis Under the Stars-Doubles B Tournament is on Thursday, August 22.  The Singles Tournament is on Monday, August 26.  All three tournaments will be from 5-9pm at Hinkley Park.


Foot Faults:  Some questions have been raised on this issue.  Under Challenge Ladder Rules Playing Matches #4, “Official tennis regulations should be observed in all matches, with the exception of foot faults, which may be pointed out but not called.”  Point it out once, but do not keep calling it out as it can interfere with the play.  Let’s remember we are a SOCIAL group.  We are not a USTA league.


Congratulations to our July Round Robin Tournament Winners:  A division-Carol Paddock and Amy Noble (tie).  B division-Anna Velasquez, Judy Frank and Rosita Polpiboon (3-way tie).  Thank you to event chairs Mary Ellen Hanrahan and Marell Kowalski.


Tori Jepsen (PRWTA President)

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