Hi Ladies,
Even though it is the middle of winter, we need to start preparing for the upcoming tennis season. We are celebrating our 50th anniversary this year! More details to come. Registration is now open for our upcoming outdoor tennis season with PRWTA.
Please enter your information exactly as you want it to appear in the Directory including capitals, dashes etc. Please note that registration deadline is now April 1. If you do not complete your registration and payment by April 1, then you will need to pay a late fee of $10.00.
Dues are: Park Ridge Residents $38.00 and Non-Residents $50.00. There are two ways to pay. You can pay with Zelle to treasurer@prwta.org or by check payable to PRWTA, P.O. Box 339, Park Ridge, IL 60068
As in prior years, you can sign up for a Challenge Ladder (Singles, Doubles or Both) OR on the Social Ladder. Remember if you sign up for Doubles Ladder, you cannot have the same partner two years in a row. If you sign up as a social member, then you can participate in all events and all activities except doing challenges. If you are unable to play in the month of May, rather than being turned over the whole month on a challenge ladder, join as a social member and then switch to challenge ladder in June.
The season starts with the Spring Fling on Sunday, April 27 at 6 pm to 8 pm (tennis) meeting & social afterwards starting at 8:00 pm at River Trails Tennis Club. We have all 9 courts reserved, so please plan on playing and sign up asap on our website.
We are celebrating the 50th year of our organization this year. More details to come but SAVE THE DATE, Thursday evening on May 15th at Harp & Fiddle. We want to have everyone attend this special event to celebrate this milestone.
Tori Jepsen
PRWTA President